วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 1 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2550

How frequently do my Impressions

How frequently do my Impressions

How frequently do my Impressions, Clicks, and Revenue statistics update?

Impression and click counts are updated hourly. Revenue reporting occurs within 72 hours. At the bottom of the My Widgets report view we state how current the revenue reporting is. After a couple of days of revenue information, you can calculate a rough estimate of how much your site is earning.

Can I put WidgetBucks on my site if I'm not based in the US?

Yes, as long as the site meets the terms of service. Please be aware that our terms of service does not allow non-english sites without prior written consent. Widgetbucks can be placed on any site that has traffic. Because all of the products are from US based merchants and are in US dollars, the likelihood of click conversion is greater for a US targeted audience, but you can still use WidgetBucks on Non-U.S. based sites.

Does it matter what type of site I have to use Widgetbucks?

As long as the site meets the terms of service, you can use ads on any kind of site or pages you are looking to monetize. We've seen our shopping widgets be effective on specific product blogs, entertainment sites, or even local search engines. Try out a few different widgets and see what works best for your customers, but regardless, you'll be making money! We have noticed that well-placed, contextual WidgetBucks ads can yield over very high eCPM, in many cases over $6 eCPM. Location of the ad is important - this is not a CPM ad, so it needs to be "above the fold" and if you are selecting a specific content category, be sure it applies to your site content. Otherwise, use the MerchSense option and it will snap content to your page automatically based on page content and demographics. Sites that are pornographic in nature, non-english sites, and/or ad-only sites are examples of sites that are not allowed by the Terms of Service.
